
The vocabulary of Diversity and Inclusion



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Sexist behaviour

Any conduct related to a person's sex that has the purpose or effect of violating their dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment (article L.1142-2-1 of the French Labor Code and article L.131-3 of the French General Civil Service Code. Contrair...

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Consent is the explicit, voluntary agreement of each partner prior to any sexual act. It may be verbal or non-verbal, but silence does not constitute consent. Consent must be free, informed and personal, and cannot be given by a third party. Consent is invalid...

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Gallantry refers to behaviors of courtesy and respect, mainly towards women, such as holding the door or offering one's seat. Traditionally linked to male-female relations, it aims to put the other person at ease. Today, it is sometimes perceived as a universal politeness...

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Harassment is violence based on a relationship of domination and intimidation, the purpose or effect of which is to degrade the victim's living conditions and impact on his or her physical or mental health. In the professional context, it takes the form of repeated behaviors that ...

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Sexual harassment

Labor Code definition: "repeated comments or behavior with sexual connotations that undermine a person's dignity or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment". It also includes the fact, even if not repeated, of exerting any form of serious pressure in the...

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Environmental sexual harassment

See Ambient sexual harassment

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Sexual and gender-based harassment referent

In the private sector, a person within the organization whose mission is to guide, inform and support employees in the fight against sexual harassment and gender-based harassment. Source : AFNOR Group | Group services in France and abroad

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Sexism is a discriminatory attitude or behavior based on a person's sex, which favors one gender over another. It takes the form of prejudice, stereotyping, inequality or violence against one gender, often to the detriment of women and minorities...

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Ordinary sexism

Ordinary sexism is defined as all attitudes, comments and behaviors based on gender stereotypes, which are directed against a person or a group of people because of their gender. Although seemingly harmless, these acts have the effect of consciously or unconsciously...

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Gender and sexual violence

Gender-based and sexual violence is a form of violence perpetrated against a person because of his or her gender or sexuality. It takes the form of acts, behaviors or even speeches based on preconceived gender inequalities and norms, designed to exert power over others.

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Domestic violence

Violence committed within married couples, civil partnerships, common-law unions or between ex-partners. All forms of domestic violence are prohibited and punishable by law, whether directed against a man or a woman, and whether physical, psychological or sexual. Source : AFNOR Group |...

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