
The vocabulary of Diversity and Inclusion



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Continuous improvement

Process for strengthening the management system to improve the overall effectiveness of measures. Source : AFNOR Group | Group services in France and abroad

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Internal survey

An internal investigation is a process implemented by a company or organization to examine and verify allegations of inappropriate behavior or violations of internal rules or the law. It makes it possible to determine the veracity of the alleged facts, to legally qualify the...

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Tangible evidence (paper, computer, etc.) of activities carried out or results obtained. Source : AFNOR Group | Group services in France and abroad

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Inventory (as part of the certification process)

Identify the tools, measures, data, partnerships, results, best practices, precautions and improvement actions already in place within the organization to promote equality and gender diversity in the workplace and/or the fight against discrimination and the promotion of diversity. &nbs...

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Algorithmic impact study

An impact assessment is a technical study designed to assess the consequences of a project in order to limit, mitigate or compensate for any negative effects. In the case of algorithms, the impact study aims to anticipate, assess and limit their potential discriminatory effects....

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