Biases are determinants that pre-orientate judgment and create prejudice. They can be cultural, sensory, cognitive, social or gender-related. Biases often operate unconsciously and influence our perception of reality. There are many different types of...
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Exclusion can be defined as a process by which certain individuals or groups of people find themselves sidelined from society, deprived of full participation in social, economic and cultural life. It is characterized by a breakdown in social ties and a marginalization that...
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Microaggressions are apparently harmless words, gestures or behaviors that convey a hostile, derogatory or insulting character towards a person because of his or her membership of a community. The perpetrator's hostile intent may be absent, but the impact remains discrimina...
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A prejudice is an attitude or opinion formed without prior examination, an a priori judgment towards a group or its individual members that is formed without a thorough evaluation of the facts or individuals concerned . Prejudices are often the result of ethnocentrism, where people judge others on the basis of...
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A stereotype is an exaggerated belief or distorted image, often simplified, about a person or group. It is a generalization that is part of the human cultural dimension and can generate prejudice.
Stereotypes are acquired in the course of socialization and ...
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