Indirect discrimination
Indirect discrimination refers to a situation in which an apparently neutral provision, criterion or practice disproportionately disadvantages a person on the basis of a discriminatory criterion.
Legal definition:
"Indirect discrimination is a provision, criterion...
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Equal pay
The principle that women and men should receive equal pay for jobs of equal value.
Source :
Equal pay for women and men and employers' obligations | | Ministère du Travail et de l'Emploi
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Harassment is violence based on a relationship of domination and intimidation, the purpose or effect of which is to degrade the victim's living conditions and impact on his or her physical or mental health. In the world of work, several forms of harassment are recognized: sexual harassment,...
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Parity means that each gender is equally represented in a group of people.
In France, there are a number of laws imposing parity, notably in the political arena (law no. 2000-493 of June 6, 2000). Strict parity should not be confused with measures inviting men and women to...
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