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1st Diversity Barometer of French companies (Club 21e Siècle-McKinsey) 2021


While mature organizations in terms of parity are beginning to embrace broader issues of diversity and inclusion, including not only gender and age, but also diversity of origin, culture, education, experience, sexual orientation and disability, French companies face a major challenge. While some countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom and Brazil, have the means to measure diversity in the broadest sense, in France, the regulatory and cultural environment has made it difficult to factualize diversity beyond gender and age.

McKinsey and Club 21e Siècle have joined forces to create the Baromètre Diversité des entreprises françaises (French Corporate Diversity Barometer), to provide factual insight into the representativeness of other types of diversity among corporate executives. The aim of this initiative is to measure, for the first time in France, the socio-cultural diversity of the management bodies of major companies, and to enable volunteer organizations to make progress in this area. The study focused on two complementary aspects: diversity of origin and socio-economic diversity (see "Methodology" box). Until now, however, French companies have had very few, if any, measurement tools in these areas. The primary aim of the Diversity Barometer was therefore to work with the organizations taking part in its 1st edition to develop concrete management tools, based on objective criteria and a dedicated methodology. The aim of the Barometer is to initiate a process of progress. It aims to draw up an initial assessment of socio-cultural diversity within the management bodies of a sample of major French groups, and to measure its evolution over time.

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