"repeated remarks or behaviour of a sexual nature which either undermine degrading or humiliating, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive situation" (...)

"Sexual harassment is the act, even if not repeated, of using any form of serious pressure with the real or apparent aim of obtaining an act of a sexual nature, whether this is sought for the benefit of the perpetrator or a third party".  

article L1153-1 of the French Labor Code

Article L1153-1 of the French Labor Code No employee shall be subjected to acts :

1° Either sexual harassment, consisting of repeated comments or behaviour with sexual or sexist connotations which either violate her dignity because of their degrading or humiliating nature, or create an intimidating, hostile or offensive situation for her;

Sexual harassment also includes :

a) When the same employee is subjected to such comments or behavior by several persons, in a concerted manner or at the instigation of one of them, even though each of these persons has not acted repeatedly ;

b) When the same employee is subjected to such comments or behavior, successively, by several persons who, even in the absence of concerted action, know that such comments or behavior constitute repetition;

2° Are assimilated to sexual harassment, consisting of any form of serious pressure, even if not repeated, exercised with the real or apparent aim of obtaining an act of a sexual nature, whether this is sought for the benefit of the perpetrator or a third party.

Article L1153-1 - French Labor Code - Légifrance (legifrance.gouv.fr)

Article 222-33 of the French penal code I. - Sexual harassment is the act of repeatedly imposing on a person comments or behaviour with a sexual or sexist connotation, which either undermines their dignity by being degrading or humiliating, or creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive situation for them.

The offence is also constituted:

1° When these comments or behaviors are imposed on the same victim by several persons, in a concerted manner or at the instigation of one of them, even though each of these persons has not acted repeatedly;

2° When these comments or behaviors are imposed on the same victim, successively, by several persons who, even in the absence of concertation, know that these comments or behaviors characterize a repetition.

  1. - Sexual harassment is the use, even if not repeated, of any form of serious pressure with the real or apparent aim of obtaining an act of a sexual nature, whether this is sought for the benefit of the perpetrator or a third party.

III. - The acts mentioned in I and II are punishable by two years' imprisonment and a fine of €30,000.

These penalties are increased to three years' imprisonment and a €45,000 fine when the acts are committed :

1° By a person who abuses the authority conferred by his functions ;

2° On a minor of fifteen years ;

3° On a person whose particular vulnerability, due to age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental disability or pregnancy, is apparent or known to the perpetrator;

4° On a person whose particular vulnerability or dependence resulting from their precarious economic or social situation is apparent or known to the perpetrator;

5° By several persons acting as perpetrator or accomplice;

6° Through the use of an online public communication service or through a digital or electronic medium;

7° While a minor was present and attended;

8° By an ascendant or any other person with de jure or de facto authority over the victim. Article 222-33 - Penal Code - Légifrance (legifrance.gouv.fr)