La Boussole - SOS Homophobie
🌈 La Boussole: Comprendre et Réagir Face aux LGBTIphobies
La Boussole, created by SOS Homophobie, is an awareness-raising tool designed to combat LGBTIphobia, i.e. manifestations of rejection, contempt or hatred towards lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people. This guide presents situations experienced by LGBTI people, whether benevolent or discriminatory, to raise awareness and encourage action against violence.
📋 The different situations explored
- When you feel good
- Talk freely about your relationships, if you wish.
- Assert your gender identity and be correctly named.
- Live out your relationships in the open and enjoy the same rights as everyone else.
- When you feel uncomfortable
- Being mocked or isolated.
- Hearing jokes or clichés about LGBTI people.
- Facing hostile judgments or the minimization of experienced discrimination.
- When you're in danger
- Physical or sexual abuse.
- Be the target of harassment, rumors or outing (forced disclosure of sexual orientation or gender identity).
- Being rejected from your home or having your rights violated.
🌟 Compass objectives
- Raising public awareness: Informing the public about the realities experienced by LGBTI people to foster understanding and empathy.
- Helping victims: Provide concrete examples of situations and resources for dealing with violence.
- Encourage witnesses: Encourage allies to take action against discrimination and support those affected.
🛠️ Resources and support
- SOS Homophobie: A helpline and chat room are available to support victims and witnesses.
- Emergency numbers: In case of immediate danger, call 17.