LGBTIphobia Report 2023 - SOS Homophobie
🌈 Report on LGBTIphobia in France: 2023
SOS Homophobie's 2023 LGBTIphobia Report reveals a worrying reality regarding the discrimination and violence suffered by LGBTI people in France. This document is based on over 1,500 testimonials collected via the association's hotline, chat'écoute and other platforms. It analyzes the contexts and manifestations of LGBTIphobia, and suggests ways of improving inclusion.
📋 Report key data
- 1,506 testimonials recorded, up 5% on 2022.
- Background to the violence :
- Online hate (17% of cases).
- Public places (12%).
- Family and close friends (15%).
- Work (10%).
- Main targets :
- 64% of victims are cisgender men.
- Trans people account for 18% of cases, marking a significant increase.
🌟 Events and developments
1️⃣ Verbal and physical abuse
- Insults: Present in 40% of cases.
- Physical assaults: 15% of testimonies report beatings, injuries or stalking.
- Harassment: Mostly in the neighborhood, at work or in the family.
2️⃣ Increase in cases of transphobia
- An increase of 27% compared to 2021, linked to the trivialization of transphobic discourse in the media and online.
3️⃣ Rejection and ignorance
- Rejection behavior affects 68% of victims, amplifying their isolation and malaise.
🛠️ Recommendations for action
- Raising awareness from an early age
- Develop educational modules on inclusion in schools and universities.
- Train teachers to better welcome and support LGBTI students.
- Protecting victims
- Strengthen online and face-to-face reporting systems.
- Ensure that law enforcement and the justice system take appropriate action.
- Promoting inclusion in the workplace
- Training managers on LGBTIphobia.
- Set up corporate support networks.
- Penalizing hateful behavior
- Strict enforcement of anti-discrimination and anti-hate speech legislation.
Report on LGBTIphobia | SOS homophobie