Tool sheet: Self-assessment of organizational factors relating to the risk of sexist abuse and sexual harassment in the workplace
🌟 The risks of sexist abuse and sexual harassment: a major issue at work
The risks of sexist abuse and sexual harassment are occupational hazards like any other, affecting both men and women in the workplace. Depending on work organization and social relations, working conditions vary between the sexes, exposing each of them differently to occupational risks.
⚖️ A legal obligation enshrined in the Labor Code
As the August 2014 law now specifies in the Labor Code, "the assessment of occupational risks must take into account the differentiated impact of exposure to risk according to gender". The risks associated with sexist harassment and sexual harassment must be included in the Document Unique d'Evaluation des Risques Professionnels (DUERP) as well as in prevention actions.
🔍 An essential diagnosis for effective action
This tool enables you to carry out an initial diagnosis of the situation at your facility. Ideally, this diagnosis should be carried out with members of the CHSCT-CSE, the CSE or company referents for Sexist Behavior and Sexual Harassment (mandatory in all companies with at least 250 employees), or at the very least, collectively with other members of your organization.
🚀 A solid foundation for your prevention initiatives
This self-diagnosis will provide a valuable basis for integrating the risks associated with sexist behavior and sexual harassment into your DUERP. It will then enable you to define and implement appropriate preventive actions to guarantee a safer, more respectful and inclusive working environment.